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What new classes are being offered this year? 

For our Fall 2022/2023 season we have added a multitude of awesome new classes. All of our creative movement and mini classes  are only $25 a month! We have expanded our Hip Hop program this year. We are excited to introduce our newest class, hip hop accelerated. This class is for the more advanced, experienced hip hop dancer. We will still be offering our incredible and fun recreational classes, all hip hop classes will perform in the yearly recital. Barefoot to Broadway is a our new audition only musical theatre program. Learn to sing, act and dance! We also have a few other new classes such as boys movement, beginning ballet for teens, and our rotating series class.

What if the class I want to attend is full?

Please use the option to waitlist! By using the waitlist we will be able to assess if additional classes need to be added or if we can find a better placement for your students wishlist. Our schedule was created with the ability to add or make adjustments suitable for you and your students. 

I'm not sure which classes and levels are best for my student?

Returning costumers, please refer to your level placement cards. If you are looking to start or need any assistance please email us at We will work with you and your student to pick the best suited classes for their goals and needs.

What should I wear?

Click here to view our attire page. 



What is the tuition for my class(es)?

Click here to our tuition and fees page. 

Where can I read through your studio policies?

Click here to view our policy page. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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